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undefined Queen Beryl

Queen Beryl

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Sailor Moon Badguys overview

This Page By Mene

Queen Beryl, ruler of the negaverse, minion to Queen Matalia, snappy dresser and a woman who someone needs to tell her that horns are just aren't in style. Nomatter if it is th anime or the manga Queen Beryl is always portrayed as the tall woman with the slinky, dramatically flared dress, who presides over her lackeys with an air of frigid contempt. In her throne room she directs the acts ofl her servents, the four generals, and in the anime countless other would-be super villians. She doesn't plan much, she directs. Most of her orders to the generals are ones that she recieved from Queen Matalia. In the manga it is implied, by her clothing, that she was possibly a gypsy on earth . It is unclear as the wether she was possesed or enticed by the power of the dark forces. At any rate she turned evil and wrecked havoc on the moon kingdom. For the most part she is shown as a fairly two dimensional, common place, malevolent dictator, except for her love for Prince Endemion. In two incarnations Queen Beryl has asked the prince to be her consort and attempted to coerce him into it when each time he has refused. She makes a happy little love triangle with Sailor Moon and Darien, now if only they didn't have to end with one unhappy person! Of course Sailor Venus(manga) runs Beryl through with a sword, puts her out of her misery and any new plans to conquor the world. In the anime Princess Serena blasts her with the silver imperiom crystal. Poor Beryl she and her lanquid chuckle of varying pitches are gone before she has a chance to do real damage to the realm of good.

Hecate's Opinion
Ah, Big Hair Beryl. She's sort of pathetic as bad guys go, I think. This could be because she really isn't inherantly evil. I think that if you look at her closely enough, you can see many of the same traits as Bunny possesses. But because she has decided to be evil, all of her acts to possess Endimion are nasty. But you can't tell me Bunny wouldn't get just as nasty if the roles were reversed!

Artemis's Opinion
In the Anime, well lets face it, she's worse then Nephlite.(No offence)In the Manga she was still weak minded, but I think that she had a reason to be evil. All these bad guys have such weak minds!.
