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Sailor ChibiChibi/ ChibiChibi

Sailor ChibiChibi/ ChibiChibi

toddle on home

Page by Hecate

ChibiChibi is more than an adorable pink haired toddler with a predilection for mischief. She dropped out of the sky one day and became Bunny's little sister. She almost stripped Seiya in front of the inner scouts. She played in traffic. She's cute. But all of that aside, she is also the Spirit of Good. It is because of ChibiChibi that everything finally works out in the end. What a talented little girl!

Mene's Opinion I'm going to eleborate a little on what Hecate said, because I just finished the very last graphic novel in the series and I know more about ChibiChibi. For starters she is Sailor Chosmos and has a really pretty outfit!:}More to the point not only is the one who saves everyone in the end,(actually it is Bunny) she is the one who got the this whole brigade of negacreeps started in the first place, because way back when the universe was started she wasn't strong enough to stop them from entering, so the whole great spiral began. Before she grows up and becomes Sailor Cosmos she is Sailor Mini Mini Moon and has the strongest attake of anyone. She is an interesting charecter, who leaves you with a lot to think about.
