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Mina/Minako/Sailor Venus/Codename Sailor V/V

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This page writen by Artemis
Hello all! I'm finaly siting down at the computer and writing my page for my favorite character in the Sailor Moon cast, Sailor Venus!(Venus yaah!)As meny of you well know Minako is a charecter that has been there long before bunny, Miss Takeuchi first wrote a series called Code Name Sailor V, all about Mina and Artemis, I'll explaine more about that later. Mina is the scout of love, and she is in many ways like bunny, but better.(no offence Bunny Fans) Mina, like Bunny, is always late for school. She prefers to goof off at the video arcade instead of doing her homework. Like Bunny she had no idea what all this Sailor soldior bussiness was and had only a talking cat to explain it to her. She is boy crazy like Bunny too. But this is where the similarities end. Mina is an athletic person and so pulls off being a warrior better. She doesn't have the nice home life that Bunny. What she does have is a amazing abilty to be the leader. She can muscle any burden and make sure that everyone makes it through regardless of however much pain it causes her. When they made the anime of Sailor Moon, I'm happy to say that she was one of the few characters that they din't change, most likely because she was just what they wanted the others to be...Maybe...

Mina was sent down as the decoy, to lead the bad guys to believe that she was the Moon Princess and not Bunny. Artemis thought, or wished that she was, and was disipointed when she was not. One thing in the anime that they did not do, which I thought they should have, was to make V the leader. In the Manga when they find out that Bunny was the princess, not the leader, V becomes the leader of the scouts, which I think is a very fitting role for her.

All in all, there is something that is very apealing about mina, so my guess is that's why I like her so much.

Mene's Opinion
In my mind Venus is the tragic charecter of Sailor Moon. In the time of the Moon Kingdom she had to watch herone true love be brain washed and turned into a monster. Unlike Serena who had the luxury of killing herself, Minako had to be the strong one, the leader. Then in present day Tokyo she has to watch the whole drama unfold again, still powerless. Then in R everyone gets captured and again it is poor old V who has to be the strong one. She's not the Princess she's the decoy and I think sometimes it is hard for her having to play Bunny's shadow. But despite all this sorrow, including that she comes from a broken home, Mina mangages to be the cheerfulest charecter and a real delight.

Hecate's Opinion
I agree with Mene that Minako has a sort of sad exsistance. She always seems to miss out on love, and that's a sad irony for the Soldier of Love. At several points in the manga, it is shown that she and Kunzite had something going on in the Moon Kingdom, and at one point it is implied that Artemis loves her. But over all, Mina is out of luck in love. Maybe that is part of the reason her and Raya are such great friends, because they both know that they invitably will be loveless their entire lives. Much as she's silly and bubbly, I think that there's a tragic part of her that is often ignored but is an important part of her character.