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Sailor Star Fighter/Seiya

Sailor Star Fighter/Seiya

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This Page By Hecate

I'll admit it. When I met Seiya, I really wanted Bunny to leave Mamoru for him. I know, I know. Mamo-chan and Bunny are fated for each other and they require each other to be truly happy, not to mention have Mini Bunny. But I fell prey to the sweet way Seiya looked at her and his obvious devotion to her. It (frighteningly enough) reminded me of the English paper I wrote on my theory of multiple true loves. That is, Bunny had a choice between two loves and two futures. She chose Mamoru. (sniffle)
But my personal choices aside, Seiya Kou is the leader of the rock band The Three Lights. He is also Sailor Star Fighter, leader of the Sailor Starlights. Now before you ask, yes he is a girl when he is a sailor scout. The story behind this is that on their home planet, the Starlights are female, but they came to earth as males the better to complete their mission. That mission would be to find their lost princess. The lyrics to their songs are really subversive messages to try and lure her towards them.
Seiya is the friendliest Starlight. Aside from his crush on Bunny, he also wants to team up with the Senshi. However, the other two are against it. Seiya is distrusted by Haruka, who I think suspects him of malicious intent towards Bunny. At one point he almost tells Bunny who he is...but then ChibiChibi decides to smear cake all over him. That's as far as I've seen in Sailor Stars, and I haven't met him in the manga yet. But I will add more when I know more.
Above all, I hope Seiya finds his other true love. I want him to be as happy as Bunny and Mamoru are.
Mene's opinion
Seiya was one of the charecters who first got me hooked onto Sailor Moon. My family and I were in Mexico and there happened to be a station that played a lot of anime. I couldn't understand a word of it, because it naturally was in spanish, but there was something intriguing about it. Mainly that there was this guy, Seiya, who kept turning into this scantily clad female. For the entire vacation we tried to figure out if A) He was a cross dresser.... but the fact that his voice changed undermined this theory. B) Why did he turn into a girl? A year later I know the answers, though I haven't met him in either manga or show, he seems like a pretty cool charecter.
