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badguys in general
This page is by mene
Bwa-ha, bwa-ha, bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha. His laugh just says it all. He is the only evil servent I ever met who had to work up to a satanic laugh. When he first came in to the anime I hated him. Partially for replacing Jadeite and partially for just looking so pretencious and lame. He couldn't just sit on a bus bench and contemplate evil planes like Jadiete, no he had to create his own castle, eternal sunset and lemonade to do this!(He was there for such a short time in the manga that I barely remarked upon him) I didn't like him till the little romantic interludes with Molly began. Molly was in love with him and in several episodes, despite the fact that he kept stealing her energy, followed him around confessing her love. By the time he died I empathised with Molly completly. She really did see the nice side of Nephlite and it all would have worked out happily if it wasn't for Zoisite and the rest of the negaforce, who felt the need to bump Nephlite off for insubordiantion. That episode practically made me cry. :( It was so heart rending! In the manga Jupiter bumps him off and there is nothing emotional about it.
I came to the conclusion that he did not have to work up to an evil laugh because he was stupid, but rather because he really wanted to do a friendly chuckle.
Hecate's Opinion
Ok, I'll admit it. Nephlite is not my idea of the perfect villain. I think that he was a basically simple-hearted fellow with a few screws loose. As Mene said, I don't think that he was truly evil. He wasn't, and that's why as a villain he doesn't do it for me. As a person, I think he's great. (As before, Mene didn't mention that Nephlite was the General of the Americas in the Manga.)
Artemis's Opinion
When I first saw Nephlite, I was horrifed! (GET A HAIR CUT PLEASE!!!!) I grew to like him after I got used to him, and when he bit the bullet that was rather sad. (Although it din't help to have Naru yelling out "Don't leave me Nephlite!! Whaaaa!") I think in the Anime they should have gave him brown eyes like they did in the Manga, He looks so wierd with blue.