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MS-DOS External Command

The PRINT Command


Prints a text file while you are using other MS-DOS commands.

Command Syntax:

PRINT [/D:device] [/B:size] [/U:ticks1] [/M:ticks2] [/S:ticks3] [/Q:qsize] [/T] [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]] [/C] [/P]

Explanation of Syntax:

[/D:device] specifies a print device.
[/B:size] sets the internal buffer size, in bytes.
[/U:ticks1] waits the specified maximum number of clock ticks for the printer to be available.
[/M:ticks2] specifies the maximum number of clock ticks it takes to print a character.
[/S:ticks3] allocates the scheduler the specified number of clock ticks for background printing.
[/Q:qsize] specifies the maximum number of files allowed in the print queue.
[/T] removes all files from the print queue.
[/C] cancels printing of the preceding filename and subsequent filenames.
[/P] adds the preceding filename and subsequent filenames to the print queue.

Type PRINT without parameters to display the contents of the print queue.

Command Use:

This command can be used at the command prompt and in batch files.