MS-DOS Internal Commands
The SUBMENU Command
Defines an item on a startup menu that, when selected, displays another set of choices. You can use this command only within a menu block in your config.sys file.
Command Syntax:
Explanation of Syntax:
blockname specifies the name of the associated menu block. The menu block must be defined elsewhere in the CONFIG.SYS file and can
contain menu-definition commands. Unlike the "main" menu block, which
must have the block name [MENU], a menu block for a submenu can have
any name you want. If MS-DOS cannot find a block with the specified
name, the item does not appear on the startup menu. The block name
can be up to 70 characters long and can contain most printable
characters. It cannot include spaces, backslashes(\) and forward
slashes (/), commas, semicolons (;), equal signs (=), and square
brackets ([ and ]).
[menu_text]specifies the text you want MS-DOS to display for this
menu item. If you don't specify any menu text, MS-DOS displays the block name as the menu item. The menu text can be up to 70 characters
long and can contain any characters you want.
Command Use:
This command can only be used within a menu block in your config.sys