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MS-DOS External Commands

The FORMAT Command


Restores a disk erased by the FORMAT command or restructured by the RECOVER command.

Command Syntax:

UNFORMAT drive: [/J]
UNFORMAT drive: [/U] [/L] [/TEST] [/P]

Explanation of Syntax:

drive: specifies the drive to unformat.
[/J] verifies that the mirror files agree with the system information on the disk.
[/U] unformats without using MIRROR files.
[/L] lists all file and directory names found, or, when used with the /PARTN switch, displays current partition tables.
[/TEST] displays information but does not write changes to disk.
[/P] sends output messages to printer connected to LPT1.
[/PARTN] restores disk partition tables.

MIRROR, UNDELETE, and UNFORMAT Copyright (C) 1987-1993 Central Point Software, Inc.

Command Use:

This command can be used at the command prompt and in batch files.