Sexiest Men in the World!
Hey Everyone! Look I added a new page! Yea me! Well...this page is my page dedicated to (what I think are) The Sexiest Men Alive! But...keep in mind that this page is based on MY OPINION! Never forget that, cause I don't want a bunch of angry letters saying "you think Michael Douglas is sexy?" Well...yes I do...but wether you do or not is your opinion. So...welcome to my new page! Oh, by the way, some of other peiople who I think are sexy are : Harrison Ford, George Clooney, Patrick Stewart and Anthony Edwards!
OOh guess what? I just went to Silver City (a new movie theatre) last night (Nov. 26/1997) and I saw Air Force One for the third time! By the way, I went to a charity thing for Ronald McDonald's Children Charities. I work a t McDonalds, so I got the ticket's free! Yea McDonalds! Anyways, my point being...I saw Air Force One and Harrison Ford is SOOOOOOOOOOO sexy in it! Ahhhhh...
Isn't he sexy???
Here's George Clooney...who is also very sexy!
The milk ad of Harrison Ford was created by Livia and if you would like to go to her page, follow the last link on this page!
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This cool milk ad of Harrison Ford! Go see it!
Livia's Page! Founder of the cool milk ad picture!