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Who am I?!?!



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 PICTURES lots of them...

 Life history…short(with lots of pictures)J



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Life History (18 years in a page) Please click on links to view pictures

I was born on the 5th day, of the 5th month in 1980, in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia. Like the hospital I was born in, I view myself as a true Black Lioness.

I was always an eager child, therefore my parents enrolled me at "La Fontaine" preschool at a young age of 3. At the age of 4, I transferred to Lycee Gebre Mariam where I attended Kindergarten up to eight grade (5eme ). There I learned to master French, my native language, Amharic, as well as English. While at Lycee, I have met some of the most impressive students and teachers. And I have made some great friends in the process. A great deal of my unforgettable memories were of Lycee and the folks there. In 1993, I had the opportunity to come to Massachusetts. I attended Malden High School for four years and graduated with the class of '97.

The summer after graduation, I went back home to Ethiopia for the first time in 4 years and had the best time of my life. Some of the highlights were seeing all the family and friends. I had missed so much and seeing my beautiful niece for the first time. Also I got to attend the graduation ceremony and party of my old classmates from Lycee. That summer, I got to explore my wild side. While in Addis, besides all the clubbin' I got to do, I learned how to drive a stick shift and ride a motorcycle (my parents will kill me). While not in the capital, I visited some vacation spots in Langano (not yet posted), Sidamo(not yet posted), and Debre-Zeit(NEW!!just posted) where I got to Jetski!!! All in All it was a GREAT.SUMMER but unfortunetly it had to end. Now, whenever I get homesick, I just pop in some music from Ethiopia(not yet posted) in my computer, and it takes me back.

Then, I came back from Ethiopia and immediately started attending the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. All was well, until my sophomore year I realized that I was being pressured to go into the WRONG major for me: Computer Science. I've always known that I wanted to do something with the media: writing, directing, producing, photography etc.……. . So I took a semester off, to really think about my future. My life long dream is to open a Television Station in my country and I am now considering how it is that UMass can help me move one step closer to making that dream come true. In the meantime now, I am interning at REED Consulting Group, learning how a prominent business operates. I might be back in school in September but we'll see.

So that's my whole life story. 18 years cramped into one page. SHEEEESHHHHH…you think reading it is tiring, try writing it! Hehehe..enjoy the rest of the page….

New!!! Dedication to my friends


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  1. MUSIC!!!! (Can't Live without IT!!) Coming and sound clips of my favorite singer!!! Guess who?
  2. MEN (CAN live without them…BUT why would I want to???)
  3. PHOTOGRAPHY (black & white, mostly)
  4. Movies/TV
  5. Boston CELTICS (Say what you may…but I will still support them!!!!) Coming soon, pictures of me and some celtic players(former and current) and announcers.
  6. Poems

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