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    Adoption and Attachment

    Attachment issues are especially key for children who are adopted. If you are planning to adopt, I encourage you to research attachment and RAD. Sadly, love is not enough for some children, and learning about attachment will help you and your new child.

  • Attach-China Excellent articles--I recommend starting with "When the Bonding Cycle is Broken"
  • Adoption and Attachment
  • Attachment Disorders

October 2003 - Congratulations to Roger and Serenity, for bringing home their new little daughter from China!

March 2003 - Adoption Update: My in-laws had shelved the idea of adopting for the time being, but mentioned it one day to a friend they hadn't seen in awhile. By "coincidence" this friend is on the board of directors for an orphanage in Guatemala--the country Mom and Pop were looking at most seriously! So we are praying for what direction this may go, and where God may lead, and if He has plans for another little boy to add to the Bush family. (Just to be clear--not another Bush boy for John and I, but another Bush boy for Pop and Mom Bush!)

April 2002 - My mother-in-law, Diane, called me the other day from the states to Kyiv. She had some exciting news to share in person. She and Pop are seriously considering adopting again! My husband was about 14 when his brother Andrew was born. Andrew is now 14, and has been telling Pop and Mom for several years that they need to adopt a little brother for him.

Earlier this month, Mom and Andrew went on a short-term mission trip with Andrew's school. They did humanitarian outreach, including building an addition on a home for a poor family and visiting an orphanage to play with the children. At the orphanage, a little boy attached himself to Mom, sitting on her lap the whole time. Even when the other children were lining up for cookies, he didn't want to leave her. Mom's heart was broken. When the school team was getting ready to leave, Mom heard crying. She got off the bus and saw "her" little boy just sobbing.

When Mom got back to where they were staying, she called Pop to tell him about what happened. Pop immediately said, "Well, I think we should adopt!" Since then, they have been discussing and praying about it, and now are seriously looking into what adoption options are available to them. I know God will direct their steps, whether another child is added to our extended family through adoption or not.

My sister-in-law, Amanda, was adopted from Korea as an infant. She turned 18 in November 1999, and is such a blessing to us! My in laws went through Dillon Adoption. (Quick update: Amanda is getting married this June 2002!)

Recently we had dinner with some friends, Mike and Patty. They have three daughters who are adopted from China, and now they help other couples adopt. If you are interested in finding out more about adopting from China, e-mail me and I'll pass your message along to Patty.

Even before we were married, John and I assumed that our family would grow through adoption. At this point with four young sons, we are waiting for God to bring the right children to us in His timing.

The other night my mother-in-law and I watched the movie Cider House Rules. It wasn't my favorite movie, but all of the orphans in it made me want to adopt right away! One of the little boys in the movie looked just like Tennyson. I was in near-tears every time I saw that little boy.

Please let me know about your adoption experiences and web resources.

Last Updated November 2003