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On the Bookshelf

Big News! John has written a book! It has been submitted to publishers, but we're still waiting to hear back. I'm just so thrilled my husband actually wrote a book!

Book Lists

Johnny's Bookshelf--now that our oldest is reading on his own, he needs his own "bookshelf" online.
Blue Letter Bible
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Stirling Bridge Reading ProgramNow Defunct Link. See new format of George Grant's Lists of Books.
The 1000 Good Books List

Do you love Shakespeare? Subscribe to Sonnet-A-Day. I take advantage of this thrice-weekly e-mail to put up my feet, take a deep breath, and relax.

Part of our New Year's Goals included John and I together reading the same twelve books over the year. As soon as I find the list, I'll post them here.

Oooh! Oooh! Check this out! Free books on CD! Logos Bible Software CDs! That's right! Over $500 in books on CD for free. Just pay $7.95 for shipping and handling. It includes TONS of great Bible study and reference works. A must for EVERY virtual library.

    Current Books. . .
  • Honestly, I've been reading more than I have been updating this page. Even so, I am not reading nearly as much as I used to. I always welcome book recommendations, though!
  • "From Nyet to Da" by Yale Richmond. This is required reading for our Russian language course and is really great. It really explains the underlying philosophical assumptions that shape the way Russian people think. 09/02/00
  • "The Puritan Family" by Edmund S. Morgan. This is a history book, rather than a Christian book, per se. It details life among the Puritans in New England and is quite interesting. I'm currently reading the section on the Husband and Wife relationships. Their ideal may not be quite my ideal, and yet I don't think one could complain being married to a husband with puritanical practices! 09/02/00
  • "A Quest for Godliness" by J.I. Packer--John's currently reading this book about the spirituality of the Puritans. 08/27/00
  • "Green Mansions" by W. H. Hudson--one of the last in the naturalist romanticism genre. It was a change for me. John picked it up because he heard that Audrey Hepburn had been in a movie based on the book. Has anyone seen the movie? 08/27/00
  • "Cheaper By The Dozen" by the Galbraiths--an old favorite that I'm reading because it's lighthearted and hooray! We're working on our first 1/3 of a dozen! 05/07/00
  • Picked up "Chosen By God" by R.C. Sproul. I started reading it, but put it down because I'm feeling sick--and I don't want to think too much right now! 05/07/00
  • 03/17/00The family went to the library today and I picked up a few more books to read and skim. . .
  • God's Equation Amir D. Acel 03/17/00 This is a scientific popularizer book about cosmology, Eistein and the "Big Bang." It includes both brain-stretching and personal insights. It's the type of book I don't usually pick up but end up loving when I do.
  • Discipline of the Mind: What All Students Should Understand Howard Gardner 03/17/00 About educational theories and reform--a pet issue of mine since I was a softmore in high school.
  • And at the library today I got a book on HTML so I can HOPEFULLY figure out why netscape won't view some of my pages.
  • Anne's House of Dreams Lucy Maud Montgomery 03/02/00
    I am still working on re-reading this classic, and I've been crying at LEAST once in every chapter!
  • The Magician's Nephew C. S. Lewis 02/00
  • The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood Rebecca Wells 02/00
    Although I wish the writing style had been stronger, this one really rang true in many ways. And it made me cry and reflect on my relationships daughter-wife-mother-sister-friend.

Last Updated August 9, 2001
