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Reagan Bush 2000!

Reagan N. Bush was born to proud parents John and Alexandra Bush on February 21, 1999. As his first birthday approached, we realized it fell on President's Day.
We just couldn't pass up the opportunity for a big birthday bash, Reagan Bush 2000!

Reagan has been walking since Christmas Day. I'm convinced I heard him say "Tennyson" when he was playing with his brothers last week. He is our climber--he can get out of the highchair, carseat, or shopping cart in a blink of an eye!

So come join us for a party!

Hot Dogs, Cake, Ice Cream, Games!

Political Endorsements, Stump Speeches, Patriotic Songs!

And yes, Reagan is named after The Man.
President Ronald Reagan is a true American hero and one of the best leaders this country has had.

"There was a time when empires were defined by land mass, subjugated peoples, and military might. But the United States is unique because we are an empire of ideals. For two hundred years we have been set apart by our faith in the ideals of democracy, of free men and free markets, and of the extraordinary possibilities that lie within seemingly ordinary men and women. We believe that no power of government is as formidable a force for good as the creativity and entrepreneurial drive of the American people.

Those are the ideals that invented revolutionary technologies and a culture envied by people everywhere. This powerful sense of energy has made America synonymous for opportunity the world over. And after generations of struggle, America is the moral force that defeated communism and all those who would put the human soul itself into bondage."
From President Ronald Reagan's 1992 Republican Convention Address

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