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Teacher Lover Keeper

"The aged women likewise, that they be Teachers of good things; that they may teach the young women to be sober, to Lovetheir husbands, to Love their children, to be discreet, chaste, Keepers at home. . ." Titus 2:3-5 KJV


Have you ever felt that the only parts of the Bible that exist for women are Titus 2 and Proverbs 31? So much is said and taught to Christian women about those passages, that at times we become dismissive towards them because of overexposure.

My heart's desire as you browse through this webpage is that you would set aside the "been there, done that" feelings and ponder just how God would have you live out Titus 2 today.

The Bible calls the older women to be teachers of good things to younger women. Teaching is to include showing by the example of our "behaviour as as becometh holiness."

It is important that we take an active role in seeking out older women in our churches and communities to be our mentors. This can be very difficult. It requires vulnerability and admitting to ourselves that we don't have it all together. I remember as a teen my mother often telling me, "You need to have a teachable spirit!" Often our trouble is not in being teachable, but finding an older woman to be our Titus two model. One of the blessings I had when we lived in Florida was the retired women who had made their new home there. The church we attended was full of godly Christian women who not only had great Biblical knowledge, but had the wisdom that only comes with many years of being refined by the Holy Spirit. When we cannot find "real life" Titus Two women, books and the internet can provide some exceptional resources until God brings a mentor-mother into our lives.

In that vein, we must not shirk from being the older woman to others, regardless of our age. Who in your life needs encouragement? You may be able to share what God has taught you about balancing college and a new budget to a young student. Or is there a new mother in your church that you could visit and share in her joy of her new baby and sympathize with her struggles?
I'm amazed that God has used me to be an "older woman" to others even at a young age. When my husband was in the army, I remember being able to "mother hen" young wives who were away from their families for the first time and establishing their own homes. God was able to take the little wisdom he had given me to encourage and teach other young women. Very often, we just have to be willing and God will use us to minister to others. Be encouraged--and be and encourager!

In all of this, let us rejoice in fellowshiping with God. From that flows our lives of being a Teacher-Lover-Keeper.

Resources I have found encouraging:


February 10, 2000 - Oooooh! My sweetheart came home last night with a HUGE bouquet of beautiful flowers that he arranged himself! I was speechless. It was such a beautiful gift of himself. As soon as I can get a picture scanned, I'm going to put it up here. He really loves me a lot. *happy sigh*

But O, my babies on the floor;
My wife's blithe welcome at the door;
My bread well earned with sweat of brows;
My garden flowerful, green of boughs;
Friends, books;
I would not change ye for ten thousand pounds.

--Cosmo Monkhouse, 'Rondel'


Some Helpful Links:

Please let me know what your experience has been being a teacher~lover~keeper.

Last Updated October 1, 2003