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Theology for Girls. . .

"Christian wives tend to leave the "fat books" and theology to their husbands. While this may look "submissive" to some, it is actually disobedience. It is not enough that we know Proverbs 31, Ephesians 5, 1 Peter 3, and 1 Corinthians 11 & 14. We have to know more than how to be a good wife. Afterall, our first calling is to be a good Christian, and if we are good Christians, we will be good wives and mothers. We musn't be afraid to study topics other than those which are related to being a wife and mother. We see in Scripture that women became disciples along with the men. What is a disciple? It is not a mindless follower. A disciple is a student -- someone enrolled in the class."

"This can even be seen in passages of Scripture which some have sinfully misunderstood and written off as "anti-women." When Paul prohibits women from teaching men, he (in the same breath) requires Christian women to be students of the Word. Let a woman learn . . . (1 Tim. 2:11).

From "Being a Woman of the Word"
by Nancy Wilson

In Reformed circles, I've found other women with such a passion for studying the Bible, knowing theology, living in faith. . . Tracy K. was one of the first women who talked with me seriously about theology beyond Titus 2 and Proverbs 31. Then there is Beth, who was tickled to get a copy of Berkhof's "Systematic Theology" for a birthday present. And every time I read Barb's blog, I'm challenged to think about the implications of our faith.

I recently came across this workshop outline by Carolyn Custis James, Getting Women Excited about Theology. Mrs. James puts it so well--we are excited about theology because we are excited about knowing our God and living through the times When Life and Beliefs Collide.

Recommended Links:

  • Le Sabot Post-Moderne, blog with a Reformed theological perspective
  • Monergism, as John Hendryx explains, is a "position teaches that salvation is entirely a work of God; That man can contribute nothing to his salvation and that one is saved wholly and unconditionally by grace through faith." It is also the name of a content-rich website with links to thought-provoking articles. Worth your time to explore.
  • What Love is This?, responding to Dave Hunt's misrepresentation of Calvinism.
  • Anchor Your Life is a devotional website run by my friend, Mike Kruger of Covenant Life PCA in Sarasota.
  • TheBlue Letter Bible is a handy online reference Bible that includes Strong's Concordance.
  • The Unbound Bible is another online Bible with many versions and references for easy studying online. It includes a Russian language Bible!
  • Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
  • BiblePlan.Org provides various Bible reading plans that you design, and they will e-mail you reminders each day, if you wish!
  • Abate Not Christian Reformed Resources
  • Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry To me, apologetics falls into a different category than theology, but thinking apologetically has helped me refine what I do believe and why.
  • Fire and Ice Puritan and Reformed Writings
  • E4 GroupFree Software! And lots of it!
  • Reformation Resources Articles by Gregg Strawbridge
  • Ages Software CD library of great Christian works and references.

How Does Theology Impact the Family?

Museums of Church History and Theology:

For my friends in the LDS church:

Prayer for Teachableness

O God, who has thought us worthy of Thy blessing,
that Thy Word daily sounds in our ears,
let it not find stony hearts and iron minds,
but so let us submit ourselves to Thee
with the humility that becomes us,
that we may truly feel Thee to be our Father;
and being confirmed in the hope of our adoption,
so long as Thou continuest to speak to us,
may at length enjoy not Thy voice alone,
but even the sight of Thy glory in that heavenly kingdom,
which Thine only Son has purchased for us by His blood.
-- John Calvin

To be honest, I love theology. I remember reading the theology section of a textbook when I was a teen, and just feeling like I was with the angels in heaven singing "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty!" Lately, I've been reading bits of Boettner and Berkhof while watching's version of M-TV. (Though, I must say, the music clips, as they are called here, are much more interesting--I never watched M-TV stateside!) Watching Pink while reading Pink. . .

Thanks to the Wayback Machine, I was able to reconstruct this page after the HTML was messed up. Please be patient as I update it from this old copy.

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Last Updated November 15, 2003
To Ponder

"Be thankful for little mercies. Be watchful against little sins. Be careful to perform little duties." From a 19th century Presbyterian tract

"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.  All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:14-17 NIV  

"True Christian righteousness is faith and confidence in the Son of God, or rather, the heart's confidence in God through Jesus Christ. We should qualify this by saying that this faith and confidence is credited to us as righteousness for Christ's sake. God accepts my imperfect faith as perfect righteousness for Christ's sake, in whom I have begun to believe. Becuase of this faith in Christ, God does not see my doubting of his goodwill toward me, my distrust, my heaviness of spirit, and other sins that are still in me." --Martin Luther, Galatians Commentary

"But we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children.  We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us." 1 Thessalonians 2:7,8 NIV