Church of Satan womyn reads MT2/3: deja vu!
[The following was addressed to a grotto (subunit) in the Church of Satan (COS), which established itself in 1966. Gang refers to the grotto. "Xian" is "Christian" and wiccans are either non-Christian or partly Christian followers of witchcraft. They are seen as off the beaten path but more conformist than Satanists. This author has completely given up on white feminism, but we would use the term "pseudo-feminism" and not "feminism" as having the problems listed below--ed.]
Oh, gang, this is familiar! ... on feminists or pseudos fearing the left wing radical males again. Rude and Crude bumps into the polite damsels. HO HO, does the COS know about trouble with wiccans over the same kind of shit? SURE DOES. Tho the methods of DOing are different, and one is a non-political group, and the methods of dealing with things (GETTING things) in this society differ a tad (ahem!)....the experience is IDENTICAL.
True, radicals, men or women, are nothing to be afraid of since they DON'T have power here. They are loud, rude, blunt and confrontational as far as TALKING goes. They don't beat up people when they act this way. They are NOT the ones to fear; yet they were feared, thrown out of meetings, etc. OK. Wiccans fear satanists -- yet it was the xians they suck up to that BURNED THEM in the middle ages -- NOT satanists! Same thing.
Does ANYONE imagine (yeah, most of the COS's members imagine it) that there are NICE xians? Or non-vindictive xians? Or non-thief xians? HA HA HA. Thou shalt not: they say that to the serfs as they DO IT ALL themselves. They don't get into a 3rd world society by being rude, crude and lewd. They do it with a SMILE and a hand out offering HELP. They are POLITE about it, NICE about it -- with their leering grins that pass for smiles: smiling with mouth, but not with eyes. So what's new? Feminists don't RECOGNIZE the enemy? Nothing new. And they fear radicals (and satanists too) when they shouldn't? SO? Nothing new.
I tend to say it in the carnal: they NEVER SAY what they mean. They NEVER MEAN what they say. The ABSURD "no means no" shit is ABSURD. I never even BOTHERED to discuss it, it's that absurd. (When I say no, I mean no; that's all I said) They NEVER speak out from the heart and they are UNABLE TO. So when they are confronted with an animal that CAN do this (like me) they quake in shivering terror and they feel it in their hearts, DEEP. Since they never say what they mean, they resort to nebulous speech to MAKE things nebulous: i.e., to shirk, squirm, LIE! Lie to whom? TO YOU? You wish! They do it to perpetuate lies to THEMSELVES. Since they do this, then they never mean what they say: they skirt the issue and this IS "their polite etiquette!" It's UBIQUITOUS. Come along and breach ALL propriety then, speak up front from the heart and you SHAKE THEM UP. They don't even KNOW you did this, but they know that they FEEL shook up: threatened. Yet there is no threat, you say? HO HO, you think guns are the only kinds of threats out there? How can they speak from heart if they don't even know what they feel, what's IN the heart? Direct talk THREATENS to make known what's in there, hidden, BURIED, it threatens to dig up their own secrets: secrets they keep from themselves for FEAR of facing them (like: I HATE my mom, I HATE my father, I HATE my brothers/sisters, etc. ending with I HATE myself! I wanted to MURDER my parents as a kid, oh but I can't face that because it's TOO awful. I'm such a BAD person for feeling it. Bury it. Bury it. I'm a wimp for wimping out all those times in the past; I LET THEM break my will and then I cooperated with it myself. I broke MYSELF. I hate myself.) That's what is threatening: that they'd FACE this. These women DO NOT speak in emotional terms, you got that wrong. They LACK a feeling vocabulary and this is one of the most BLATANTLY OBVIOUS things we notice about western WHITE xian society: they LACK a feeling vocabulary; they GROPE for one, clumsily! They seem unable to even vocalize their feeling states, they seem, therefore, unable to THINK (and now, neurology BACKS THIS UP). You think they used to have emotional words for lack of a political vocabulary? HA -- PHEW, are you wrong there. . . .
The "emotions" these women claim to feel aren't even emotions! They are glued together murky THINGS all glommed into one huge unknown thing; they can't even dissect it to identify the SPECIFIC emotions involved in this glued up mess. They'd have to FIRST do this, separate it, IDENTIFY AND NAME it, to have power OVER it. Again, this is dark doctrine: NAME IT, have power over it. First you have to know you ARE feeling! Then NAME it. Then you have to RECOGNIZE and CATCH what triggers it! NOT EASY! THEN you begin to unglue it and that requires memory. PROBLEM: their memories have HOLES in them! They are unable to go back and BE that 7 year old kid walking down the street one day, or etc. To us this is what NORMAL MEMORY IS LIKE! ANYTHING that is confrontational even in the slightest degree, ANYTHING that is assertive in the most passive way (to us) -- is a THREAT to these people. . . .
HA -- I don't find MIM confrontational AT ALL, not even A LITTLE BIT -- but I do realize that MIM (and me too) are CONSIDERED "HIGHLY confrontational"... in this wimpy scared stupid society. We are considered ARROGANT. No we ain't. Not imo! Here: "Why do you wear nailpolish like that?" Answer: "I like it." That alone produces FEAR in the person that asked me! REALLY! That I said it LIKE that, to the point, NO justification given to them (which they expected as part of their society). My answer is a SLAP IN THEIR FACE and yet, to me, it's just THE answer to THE question they asked me. If they realized that I don't consider their question to even BE "a question of any rational sort" they'd WITHER inside and DIE - fear to ever say BOO to me again. I sometimes play games too and might answer: "Oh, because I HATE nailpolish." That scares them too, they cringe, but they PONDER the answer, they put on an act as if they are truly perplexed RATHER THAN admit what they unconsciously know: I just treated them like SHIT IDIOTS. I just DISMISSED their existence as not WORTHY OF being given an answer. They DO NOT admit this to themselves, not ever. "Why do you eat that sandwich every day? Why do you bring a boiled egg to work every day." DUH - these are questions? DO they require answers? I have a sandwich in my hands. My mouth is about to take a bite. "Are you eating lunch?" ..... NO, god dammit, I'm paving the fucking concrete. OH, that sends them RUNNING from the room in terror, they NEVER approach me again for anything. I'm far too much of a threat. OH? Where is my gun? Where is the grenade? Where is the military dictatorship under my control? Where is the power? My power (over them) exists within their OWN hearts! I have no power over them, none at all, nor do I desire to have it. You think I'm joking here? NO: PURELY LITERAL, this HAPPENS all the time, literally, to the letter! . . .