"Tolerance is the solution liberalism offers. A very substantive sexual blackmail lies at the heart of this liberal tolerance. In order not to criticize anyone's sexuality, it is women, specifically, who are used and abused by men, women who are sacrificed by calling it sex, everyone hoping they will be left alone with theirs. By the same logic, the defense of lesbian sadomasochism would sacrifice all women's ability to walk down the street in safety for the freedom to torture a woman in the privacy of one's basement without fear of intervention."

Catharine MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified (Cambridge, MA: 1987), p. 60.


"Methodologically, a post-marxist analysis treats women as a social group, not in individualist, naturalist, idealist, moralist, voluntarist or harmonist terms. (In those terms, we're all really equal, and socially we have a naturally harmonious relation between the genders, which needs, at most, marginal reequilibration). I've noticed that for many people liberal views of sexuality--treating it in terms that are individual, natural, ideal, moral, and voluntarist--seem to coexist remarkably well with otherwise marxist views. In my opinion, no feminism worthy of the name is not methodologically post-marxist."


Catharine MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified (Cambridge, MA: 1987), p. 60.


[Next are a pair of of the many quotes from MacKinnon that inspired MIM to come out and say "all sex is rape." MacKinnon denies believing all sex is rape, but MIM believes that is her legal profession speaking and not her theory which is taken to its logical Leninist conclusion by MIM.]

"Men who are in prison for rape think it's the dumbest thing that ever happened. . . .they were put in jail for something very little different from what most men do most of the time and call it sex. The only difference is they got caught. . . . It may also be true."


"In all these situations, there was not enough violence against them to take it beyond the category of 'sex'; they were not coerced enough." (Explaining the difference between things called rape and not rape.)

(Catharine MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified (Cambridge, MA: 1987), p. 88)