[This was a reply to MIM from Tani Jantsang in another context in November, 1997. MIM puts forward that asexuality is a point of reference for romantic relations between people. MIM does not advocate prudery anymore than it advises exploited workers to quit work. A system cannot be changed just by individual lifestyle changes. MIM uses asexuality as a reference point to people who complain they are required to be in a relationship. MIM finds this to be mostly untrue in the imperialist countries. Both men and wimmin could live without romantic relationships, and so complaining about them beyond a certain point shows a lack of connection with reality--mim3@mim.org]




YES. HO NOW you got it. What you call "asexuality." Strange term for it.

OK. You can get that kundalini WHOOOSH in orgasm - I said orgasm a

physiological state - WITH NO PARTNER. You will discover this on an

island ALONE and learn how to "do it" yourself, just as you'd learn to

put the food into the mouth when "hunger" is recognized (on the island

alone, with no one to raise you). Kundalini YOGA (it's dangerous) is

getting that flow-whoosh about 50 times stronger and you are MEDITATING,

doing nothing, not even moving. The WHOOSH is the important thing,

having it flow UNIMPEDED. You can't do this if something is blocked and

now neurology has its OWN language for this stuff we call chakra blocks.

Consider that Asians, Chinese, have this kind of "medicine" in their

culture, they can probably RECOGNIZE chakra blocks the same way I do it

and their psychologist types would SURELY incorporate a valid practical

thing into their own science. It would be "as given" in China with Kung

Fu and all of that so everyday normal there. What Maoist methods used to

do is UNBLOCK people, get them aware THAT they feel, then WHAT they

feel, get them to separate out and NAME/IDENTIFY the pure feeling. Then

be aware of it and WHY they feel it. That is CLASSIC TANTRA and it is

what Mao's methods did. It is SIMILAR to Reich's basic hypothesis: that

is one BIG reason the xtoids FEAR Reds and ESPECIALY feared the Maoist

version of Red. The DARK stuff inherent in it. I realize you don't

recognize this. It's like a NEON SIGN to me. RECOGNIZABLE. Orgasm is the

state of having this "whooosh" SLAM HARD thru the body - which is NOT

the same as flowing and definitely NOT like the yoga at all. If you do

this yoga - you will literally NEVER GET horny, you'll be UNABLE to get

horny! Might also be unable to know you are HUNGRY too: it's DANGEROUS

for practical reasons. People DIE trying this if they succeed. Luckily,

most who "imagine" they are doing it, are NOT doing it at all they are

just relaxing or "getting quiet." Eastern doctors who ALSO KNOW THIS

kind of thing have commented on the state of the average everyday

western person: and their assessment is "hopeless!." Teaching them to

meditate is merely step one: teaching them to relax, get quiet and then

it was discovered in the USA that people actually PANICKED when they

tried it and had to be hospitalized! Hopeless!


NOW you got it: most 1st world relationships (pretaloka as I term this)

are between men and women who don't even KNOW each other to converse

reasonably. He has HIS friends, she has hers. They have NOTHING between

the except the occasional baby. 99% of them don't have ANY orgasm and

this "starting of one and not attaining one" STOPS UP kundalini, it

MAKES klippoths. OK, you didn't read the dark doctrines on this (which

are NOT on a website). So you have married boorjwahzi couples "doing the

marriage family thing" and they DO NOT have lives. They merely EXIST.

The sex is shit at best, revolting at worst. She gets a whiff of 1st

world feminism lifestyle and gets it into her head that a career is the

thing she needs to fill the empty hole. No, she needs an ORGASM is all

and probably needs to dump the baggage (husband and kids). It doesn't

matter HOW she gets that orgasm: that is a PHYSIOLOGICAL state that

would bam, pow, UNBLOCK those chakras up like a POW-WHOOSH.


One can fuck oneself and get the BEST orgasm and white xian peole sex

surveys say this. You call this asexual? Wrong word. Asexual translates

to us all as "abstain from orgasm." Or "be a prude." It doesn't mean

abstain from a partner, it means abstain from ORGASM. You can have

partner and NO orgasms: typical white woman in the USA. LOTS of sex,

LOTS of partners: NOT ONE ORGASM.


ONANISM (the correct term) would DEVASTATE the feminist lifstyle shit

and end the problems of "relationship shit." You'd thereby take away

from feminists the ONLY THING that holds them together in a cohesive

form: THEIR GRIPES. Would they be thinking beings enough to go out now

and get a life as they claim they want? I doubt it. They have been

brainwashed to WANT the illusions: the family, the role, the kids, all that.


I know this: guy and girl can be friends. Along comes sex act and this

destroys the friendship because the sex was shit. Consider also a

satanic group into androgenism or the coming hermaphrodite. Asexual? As

in asexual reproduction? The term is the problem, causes confusion. When

one critic told MIM it was full of shit and brought up masturbation, MIM

said she had a point: so then, by asexual some of you DO mean "no

orgasms" and yet you don't need a partner to get one! Asexual means two

things: non-gendered biologically and ascetic in ONE carnal realm:

sex-orgasm. You give the old style Stalin Reds a BAD NAME preaching that

kind of shit! They were a very LUSTY lot in ALL ways not just sexual.

Kundalini wooshes when you open the HEART and follow it. But the heart

CAN NOT open when the person is PENT UP. It can't. So what kind of

society do YOU see resulting from this state of pent-up kundalini? I see

a capitalist one. I see The Evil Empire right here, I live in it. I see

free enterprise as the most EVIL system devised by man. It encourages

you to literally KILL the competition or ideas better than the statis

quo or STEAL the ideas and claim credit. It encourages you to KILL

anyone who is better at a job, or faster or smarter. The SHORT TERM shit

(as Bill sees it, and he's a high-grade moron at best) is the incentive

crap. Yeah that only works so long as there is NO COMPETITION or if you

are not competing with ANOTHER PERSON but more like in competition with

yourself. I know Doc uses the jealousy idea to be one of incentive but

that's NOT what real jealousy is at all. In the pent up state, heart

closed, the ONLY THING able to relieve such a hellish inner feeling is

IF YOU CAN FIND people to lord over and STOMP on. OK? So what do YOU see

our society doing? I see it doing just what I described!