On Sun, 29 Mar 1998 nhelp@juno.com wrote:

B says: 

> As usual, Mim3, you are using TYPICAL arguments that are ego-projective


mim3 replies: Hey look, if you want to practice psychiatry, you need a license.


[B continues:]

> > My judgement on MacKinnon is this: she is a white Irish preta. The only

> way her stuff could be of value would be if she had clarity into her own

> sick world, which almsot NONE of them do. I have TOO MUCH (for my own

> sanity) experience with white preta women, including "feminists" such as

> the teacher I mentioned, they are ego-infected GARBAGE. SCUM, pent up

> FILTH. MacK said "all sex is rape" because she FELT this, just as ALL


mim3 replies:

As we have explained about 50 times, MacKinnon never said "all sex is rape." That is MIM's line. MacKinnon denies saying it, though theoretically-inclined readers may disagree.


[B. continues:]

> white-xian preta women feel this pent up FILTHINESS from sex with their

> worthless men. Those FEELINGS are the basis of her theory.


mim3 replies:

Who gives a shit except psychiatrists? Either her theory is correct or it is not. It does not matter what her motivations were. Maybe Darwin came up with species selection, because he killed off all his friends and siblings. So what? The theory of evolution and species selection is still true.

You just don't get this. You don't understand what science is or how half-assed psychiatry fucks it up.

You and Tani also don't admit that it is in the interests of intellectuals to conduct such "private science" in order to fuck up science and make it possible to lord it over the public.

It's really getting more and more clear that you and Tani love that solipsism stuff. I could see you making a career of it. To you it is not WHAT you think, but your persynal and necessarily obscure motivations for thinking it. It's all lazy excuses for avoiding science.

Solipsism --> psychiatry as the queen science

Solipsism --> an excuse for political Hobbesianism

Solipsism --> why we need things like the Temple of Set and various scams to pay intellectuals to lord over us



has more discussion of solipsism in discussion of Lenin's book "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism" in the materialism section.