mim3@mim.org says March 29, 1998:

Reich is premature at best in a situation where wimmin are conditioned to enjoy submission --i.e. for the last several thousands years of class society. It is not animal SEX that wimmin are conditioned to enjoy, if there is such a thing as an animal sex drive we still have independent of social factors. Wimmin are conditioned to enjoy whatever men want--and paid with cash, jewelry, fame etc.

Wolf mentions this in the last paragraph of his web essay, but he fails to draw the implications for Reich's work. Wolf tries to say wimmin should pursue orgasms, not the other extraneous stuff that comes with the romance culture.

But if we are honest with ourselves, how can we deny that for thousands of years, romance culture has been associated with class power? How can a womyn hark back to primal pleasures (if they exist) when they have been corrupted so long? How can a man know he hasn't been reinforced/conditioned by socio-economic factors to want orgasm for different reasons than primates?

You all are wishful psycho-biologists thinking all that is needed is some stiff sex education in school-- field work! It's not that Nazis don't have orgasms ever. They might do it in front of their WWII movies or especially sick porno, but they can do it. (MIM would contend that the rest of us are also socially conditioned just in different ways.) They dont' do it as much as reds, but that is for social reasons in their lives, nothing like brain damage or hormone imbalances. Besides which, where does this shit of a theory leave your Social-Darwinism? Like stop to consider what it would mean if Nazi types over history could not come? By your nutsoid pseudo-biology, the Nazi type would go extinct.

Saying you are pursuing animality does not guarantee you that you have achieved it. That's why in science we carry out controlled experiments, not ones where multiple conflicting things are going on. Until we achieve communism, there is no way to know the alleged animal drives of the humyn animal. Some experiments require great power to run. This is one we ain't got the power to run yet.

Look at what MacKinnon says about the approach of men: MIM would translate that all come-ons and approaches are sexual harassment. She does not say that, but she says,

"I think we lie to women when we call it not power when a woman is come onto by a man who is not her employer, not her teacher. What do we labor under, what do we feel, when a man--any man--come and hits on us? I think we require."

Catharine MacKinnon Feminism Unmodified (Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 1987), p. 89.

She's right and she only talks about the quarter of it. Hetero wimmin don't come out and tell men they are ugly. They are afraid of career retaliation in many cases as MacKinnon says. And even when wimmin are not afraid of career retaliation in specific cases, wimmin have become used to certain responses in such cases and generalize to make it wimmin's policy of how to respond to come-ons.

Anything economic or military is going to throw off the hunt and it becomes obvious when looking at wimmin and harassment. What is less obvious but also true is how men are socially conditioned as well.