[mim3@mim.org comments: In many Satanist circles, sado-masochism is popular. However, some people are truly getting hurt. One Satanist decided not to put up with sado-masochists in his grotto and purged them. His policy of no tolerance is counter to the Liberal view of sexuality and it is similar to Catharine MacKinnon's view.]
I'll just quote Russel, "I find it unpleasant to think that the only thing wrong with wanton destruction and cold blooded murder is that I find it unpleasant." The fact is that in the long run I don't care about what is right or wrong, but about what is desirable. I find the eroticization of power and powerlessness, the association of violence with sex, and the memetic infection of the sadomasochist worldview to be undesirable to Satanism.