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It's new, it's improved, it's finally updated, it's:

Matt Griffin's Web Page of Doom

SYMers: Czech out the new BMW

Here's stuff about me.

Here's some News about things in my life you may or may not find interesting.

Here are some neat links to check out.

ART: Expand your mind.

Well, it took forever, but I'm finally bored enough to take the time to
keepthe page up to date.
At least for the time being...

The web page for the Society of Young Magicians Assembly #29 was untill recently my responsibilty. I'm glad it's not anymore, I didn't have enough time to give it anyways...

For S.Y.M. #29 Members and friends, here are the existing back issues of the Boston Mini Wizard in Adobe Acrobat Reader: BMW Back Issues

The Blue Man Group site is cooler than your mom...

And still here by popular demand:

It's the button that doesn't do ANYTHING!!! Feel free to press it all you want...

Comments? Questions? Gossip? Email M@