Sabbats of the Year
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Following is a list of the Sabbats and what they mean.

SAMHAIN-(Halloween)---October 31 is dedicated to the idea of "Eternal Life"
	Our connection to those who have departed.This day the veil between
	the two worlds(World of Form and the Invisible World) is thin.Loved
	ones on the other side can join us in the celebration.Many witches
	claim this as a sort of "New Year's Day." marking the final Harvest
	of the year.

YULE-(Winter Solstice)---December 20-23(depending on the year) is the day 
	when the night is longer than Day.Rebirth is an important theme at 
	this time.Decorations such as,the tree,Yule log,holly,and red candles
	used by Christians for "Christmas" are Ancient symbols of pagans and

CANDLEMAS-(Feast of Waxing Light)---February 2 is celebrated to welcome the 1st
	stirring of Life from beneath the earth.All life on Earth.

SPRING EQUINOX---March 20-23. This day marks a balance in time and male and female
	forces in nature. The Day and Night are equal.

BELTANE---May 1. A fertility holiday.Witches dance to symbolically nourish
	plant life. This day crops are planted to be Harvested later that 
	year.This also marks the spot directly across from Samhain on the
	Wheel of the Year.

SUMMER SOLSTICE---June 20-23,marks the time when Day is longer than Night.
	Opposite the Winter Solstice.

LAMMAS-(Lughnassadah)---August 2,Celebration of the beginning of Autumn and the 
	Final Harvest. In honor of the Corn God, Lugh.

FALL EQUINOX-(Mabon)---September 20-23. Equal Day,equal Night. Signifies the beginnine
	of winter.Male and Female forces stand in balance.

<--Below is an idea of the celebration on the next Sabbat.
(Always updated)-->