05/19/02 I haven't kept this up in months. Yeesh.

blank button


05/01/01 - 05/07/01
05/08/01 - 05/15/01
05/16/01 - 05/23/01
05/24/01 - 05/31/01
06/01/01 - 06/08/01
06/09/01 - 06/22/01
06/23/01 - 06/30/01
07/01/01 - 07/08/01
07/09/01 - 07/16/01
07/17/01 - 07/24/01
08/01/01 - 08/07/01
09/01/01 - 09/07/01
09/08/01 - 09/15/01
12/30/01 - 01/01/02
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"Ever wonder if the light goes out when you close the fridge door? Well, yes it does." - the milk