07/01/01 I was going to wait another week before I archived my latest entries, but I changed my mind.

I had another weird dream last night. I dreamed I was visiting my parents at their beach condo in St. Pete Beach. It was an overcast, windy day. I made it to the condo, went up the elevator, and inside. I walk out to the back where the porch is, and I see that the Gulf of Mexico has flooded and risen up way past the beach. My parent's condo is on the 3rd floor. The water was almost up to the porch! I didn't get how the water could have been that high up, when I had just driven there on sea level and gone up the elevator. That was pretty unusual. The next scene I remember being in was my parents and I driving to some real estate place; I guess they were looking for a new beach condo or something. They drove a huge black on black Mercedes - tinted windows and all the goodies. We went inside the real estate office (I have no idea why I was there in the first place), and sat down with a lady who I think was a secretary, but she was doing all the financial information or something. The down payment of the place my parents were getting was like 1 million+ dollars. They were gonna put down some obscenely large amount of money, but the lady said no, that it was too much for some reason. So then they offered to put down 1 million plus some change, and she said it was ok. That was all I remember after that.

I did SIX loads of laundry today. Yeah, I've been lazy. I hate doing laundry. But at least it's done now. Only thing I am worried about is that I didn't get a chance to take out all the laundry from downstairs. Whoops. I'm gonna have to get up early tomorrow morning to get my clothes. The last time I left my clothes down there someone decided to be an asshole and throw them in the trashcan. That REALLY pissed me off. I managed to get all the loads dried, but I only picked one load up. I'm also praying that the sock fairies don't take my socks, or half a pair. =)

07/02/01 Last night was so much fun. I went to a friend's place after work for a party they were having. I swear, I have never been that messed up in a LONG time. I remember laughing a helluva lot, Jay C. lost his car, watching videos of The State, and watching The Labyrinth on dvd. I was there for practically four hours, and got home sometime around 4 I think, or maybe a little beforehand. I had a great time though.

I'm here at work on an absolutely GORGEOUS day out. I wish I didn't have to be here today. I took my 15 minute break outside to enjoy the weather while I can. I'll probably grab some dinner and eat outside too.

07/03/01 I am SO frustrated today. Here's why.

1) Mike - I am frustrated about 2 things with him. 1 - I was folding laundry in our living room. I brought the clothes into the bedroom to put them away. Mike comes in and starts to talk to me about the new regimen he is starting and how he feels about it, so I listen and I talk to him. Then unbeknownst to me, he starts talking to me about why I'm taking clothes out of the drawers and folding them and putting them back in, and how pointless it is in doing that because it serves no purpose with the way I was organizing things and such. I just told him over and over again that I've always done things that way, I don't know why, and it wasn't going to change. I didn't understand why he was making a huge deal about it, and I was frustrated over that. Then after allllll that BS he THEN tells me that I didn't get it and that all he wanted to do was spend some time with me or hang out or whatever. I'm like DUDE, whatever hints you were dropping I didn't get at all! That was *WAY* too subtle even for a GIRL to notice. So I got frustrated about HIM getting frustrated. So he says "nevermind" and goes back out to the living room and goes on the computer. I was like W-T-F. So that was one thing that got me frustrated with him. 2 - Whenever I tell him about anything that looks interesting (EG - anything that costs any amount of money) he says we can't afford it. *all* the time. That is so frustrating...

2) People at work - remember that whole perfume incident? I posted about it on a website, but I checked the links in my archived entries, and they are gone. Well, it happened again, and I'm getting pissed off. :mad face:

3) Me - I am carrying the responsibility of 2 people on my shoulders. I am financially supporting Mike and myself, taking care of the apartment, making sure bills are paid (paying those too), taking care of our cat, doing laundry, getting groceries, getting the car inspected, and any other errand/chore you can think of. Not to mention I know for a fact that of our rent goes up next March, like it has every year, I'm taking money and putting a down payment on a house, whether he likes it or not. Paying $720 a month is equal to more or just a little less than a mortgage payment.
