07/20/01 Just got this e-mail from another friend of mine who got shit-canned:

Hey Peoples,
I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here. Yes I got fired, as did Josh. I think that Josh is probably screwed, since he mentioned names, and basically had blueprints for it. We all know that he wasn't planning anything, but his post was pretty graphic. My post on the other hand, was no grounds for being fired. Hell, it was a fucking question.
John D only had the first 3 posts. The initial one, my reply, and Josh's reply. He does know, however, that there are other people that posted later on, and is desperately trying to get his hands on the rest. I suggest that you people smarten up and STOP reposting it, and STOP fucking mentioning people's names. As far as I know, they have nothing as of yet, but if people keep reposting it, they WILL have more, and other people (you know who you are) WILL get fired because of this. I suggest that nobody mention ANYTHING about this incident EVER again, otherwise there will be quite a few people who end up unemployed. I also suggest that you all start looking for another job. That way you'll at least have a head start if the wonderful corporation of *** decides to shit can you for some dumb ass reason.
By the way, I'm sure that most of you have seen my farewell letter by now. Just to clear up any possible confusion, yes I was being sarcastic when I thanked Dennis for being patient. Anybody who was there when he was walking me around knows that he was being a complete dick. Thanks Alex for sticking up for me =)

07/21/01 Today's actually not so bad of a day. FOR ONCE. I took a big step last night. I wrote my parents a letter. Well, I didn't write it, but I typed it (b/c I can type faster than I can write. It wasn't too long of a letter, just about 1 1/2 pages. I read it over and made sure everything sounded good and the spelling & grammar were correct (I did well in English, so what), printed it out, put it in an envelope, and mailed it out today. This is a big deal to me since I haven't spoken to my parents since June of 2000. Somewhere down below in the Archives there is a conversation I had with a friend of mine that explains why I haven't spoken to them. It would take way too long to type out the reason why again. They should get the letter sometime next week, maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. I can't wait for them to get it! =)

I wrote a new poem today. I haven't done this in ages. I guess I didn't "write" it, I made it on one of those magnetic poetry things on a friend's desk. =) Anyway, here's the poem I call Flowing.

10:41 PM I added sharing my calendar/planner to my Excite page. Now everyone can see what I'm doing (whoopee!).

07/23/01 I'm writing this in Windows Notepad right now, only because I can't get to my damn angelfire page to update my journal. Now they want you to use a friggin Lycos Passport name, which I HAVE, but I haven't used it in so long that it doesn't work, so now I'm waiting for them to fix the damn thing. *sigh* I really needed to type some stuff into the journal, and now I can't update it. BASTARDS. ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS UPDATE THE DAMN THING. Grrr.

On a brighter note, I discovered some interesting things about myself yesterday. I found that I have the qualities of Aphrodite and Demeter. This has me excited, because this will start me on the path to learning more about myself spiritually. I'd write more about it right now, but my unholy son-of-a-bitch boss would reprimand me.

Mike was listening to the song "Brick" by Ben Folds Five last night. He told me he figured out what the whole song was about, and told me what it was. Then I listened to the lyrics and realized he was right. I do know that some people read this, so I'd rather not say what the song is about, because it brought back some memories that I thought I had gotten over. Apparently I didn't get over it because when I went back to bed, I started crying a little bit. Then after I had calmed down, I went over to the bedroom door near the hallway and told Mike I wish he hadn't told me what the song was about. It wasn't his fault for me reacting that way though, and I told him that. I just wanted to say how I felt. I'll write more when I get home. I have got to get the hell outta here!

07/24/01 12:44 AM Here is the rest of what I was going to write, now that I'm at home. Here is what I wrote in a book of mine:

July 22, 2001 5:48 AM Sunday- Reading about Greek Goddesses. Found that I identify with Aphrodite and Demeter.
Aphrodite's difficulties found in women: serial relationships, promiscuity, difficulty considering consequences.
Strengths found in women: ability to enjoy pleasure and beauty; to be sensual and creative.

Demeter's difficulties found in women: depression, burnout, fostering dependency, unplanned pregnancy.
Strengths found in women: ability to be maternal and nurturing of others; generosity.

Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty; the "alchemical" goddess governing a woman's enjoyment of love and beauty, sexuality, and sensuality; impels women to fulfill both creative and procreative functions.

Demeter: Goddess of grain and the maternal archetype, represents a woman's desire to provide physical and spiritual sustenance for her children.