06/02/01 I am pretty damn tired today. I've taken a sick day off from work because I have real bad cramps. I couldn't stand to sit there in pain and answer e-mails all day. Besides, I've been so pissed off at my company that I really could give 2 shits about it anymore. If you'd like to read about it, you can go here and here. After reading it you can see what I mean.

06/04/01 I have a small headache today and I am bloated beyond belief. I feel like a damn whale for crying out loud. Why are women "blessed" with this? It completely sucks. Guys are so lucky to not have to go through this every damn month. I wish doctors would allow painkillers to be prescribed for this stuff. I would be oh-so-happy. Shit, maybe even some mary jane would be nice right about now! :)

06/05/01 The work situation gets worse every day, I swear. Check this out.

06/06/01 I got home around 4am this morning. I was at work getting some overtime til about 2am, then I had to move all my stuff from my drawers into a box, then back up all my stuff on my computer, and then move everything over to the other side of the callcenter, then move someone else's shit out of THOSE drawers, and THEN, finally, move MY stuff into the drawers there. Oh wait, then I had to move the other person's stuff into the box. I was so tired afterwards. I came home, threw on my pj's and then went straight to bed.

I slept in until 12 or so today. That was so nice to not have to get up to do anything :) But then I did get up, eventually got dressed, and went to get groceries. I'll write more later.

06/08/01 Ok, I lied, I didn't write more later :) I'm sitting here at work miserable as usual. I've decided I want to write about a lot of stuff, but I have no idea when I'll have the time to do it. I guess since they're taking everyone's ability to use AOL Instant Messenger here at work, I will have plenty of time. I gues the place I can start is by making a list of what I want to write about. I wonder if I can even remember the HTML for it, it's been so long.

Things I Want to Write About

I think that's about it. Well, for now anyway. I have to get back from break, I will definitely write more later.

9:43PM See? It's later and I'm writing again! I don't have time to write anything in my list yet since I'm at work until midnight. I've been reading a book called The Bodacious Book of Succulence by Sark. It's such an inspirational book to read! Actually, just the way the book looks is enough to make you smile ;) I have to answer an e-mail now (part of my boring job description). I'll write again