06/13/01 Whoops, forgot to archive! :) hehe.. I'll write more tomorrow. My friend Marc is comin in to visit from New Jersey, I actually have to clean tomorrow! =-O

06/16/01 Man, I haven't been writing in here as much as I have wanted to. I've been busting my ass here at work doing my job, and as of today no one here at work is allowed to use any kind of chat program on the computers, so I'm stuck using e-mail and posting on message boards. It's good and it's bad I suppose. Good because people will be working more and concentrating on their job (me included), but bad b/c we're all going to be helplessly bored here. I wonder if it's at all possible to see every single web page there is. I bet now that we can't use any chat programs here it will be accomplished very soon :)

06/19/01 Man, I'm slacking in here! UGH. I have been so unbelievably busy. Running errands, grocery shopping, chores, etc. I don't know. I feel all outta whack today. I think since there aren't many entries here I'll wait another week before I archive anything. It'll be such a waste of space.

06/23/01 I seem to be leaving this place empty every 3 or 4 days. I've been kinda stressed lately about:

That's all I can think of right now. I was talking to my friend Scott about this last night, and I mentioned a lot more things, but I can't remember them at this moment. I'll write more later.

06/24/01 I'm worried about Mike. His mom called him this morning, and he said some things that I heard that made me worry about the future (which I HATE doing). His regular physician told Mike's long term disability insurance company that he was ready to go back to work, and they in turn told Mike they want him back at work at least part time. The thing is, Mike isn't ready to go back to work yet. He is still working on himself completely - and by that I mean mentally, emotionally, and physically. His therapist knows this and said she would back him up. The thing that worries me is this. Mike said that if they make him go back to work when he isn't ready, he will quit his job. That leaves him with *no* income, *no* insurance, and well obviously, *no* job. I don't know how the hell I can deal with that if it happens. I can't go on supporting him financially; we will run out of money in the snap of my fingers! I hate worrying about things that haven't happened, but I can't help it this time. Money is not the most important thing in the world to me either, but if that happens, and we start losing more money than I'm making, I'll be forced to decide on 3 things.

Actually, none of those choices are anything I want to make. *sigh* I don't know what to do anymore :(