By Matt Porter - Based upon the Medieval Morality Play (Everyman)

Upon a man’s soul Death rides

Creeping in and out, such as the tides

Grasping every man with his crookedhands

He carries them to unknown lands

Where judgement resides

The Great Judge shows man hismortality

His obedience and his spirituality

If man hath been pure, to Heaven hegoes

The clouds form under his toes

Man finds happiness, true finality.

High in the skies overlooking Earth

Man can find a true spiritual rebirth

And forever serve the Lord, thyCreator

Whose love is greater than theuniverse’s equator

And upon each man considered of worth.

But if man hath been unholy

A massive firestorm shall approachslowly

In it a voice reciting "Ite,maledicti, in ingem eturnum!"

Bu all a man can hear is the painfulbeating of drum

The fire then consumes the man wholly.

Death approaches the condemned mortal

And points his disfigured hand towardsa portal

That leads into the deepest depths ofHell

Where Satan, demons and hell-souls dodwell

And spend an eternity with the evilimmortal.

God has gave us each the power ofchoice

A power for which all should rejoice

A man can follow the Lord, or goastray

Simply ask for his guidance, He willshow you the way

All you have to do is listen to Hisvoice.

Unholy ones shall attempt to misleadyou

To expose you to evil, make you untrue

However, you possess the Lord’s great power

Show them the light, and they willcower

Their punishment will come, thoughlong over-due!