A simvan from Rifts
A squad of Coalition skelebots form rifts
I dont know. But its from Rifts. I use the image for NPC hero Graves.
A Soul tracker from Nightbane. I use the Image for super villain Howler
A spectre from Rifts convertion book 1. I use the Image for Player character Acalight.
A super spy from Rifts Mercenaries, I use the image for player character Graviton.
A tech ninja from Rifts Japan. I use the image for NPC hero Vital.
A thornhead demon from Rifts. I use the image for NPC villain Tital.
A troll from Palladium fantasy. I use the image for supervilain Raze.
The Angel of Vengeance from Rifts Mindwerks
A fire warlock from Rifts conversion book 1. I use the image for supervillain X.
A coalition Wilderness scout from Rifts. I use the Image for player character Taskmaster
A Zapper from Rifts Psyscape
Zeus from Rift conversion book 2. Pantheon of the Megaverse
A Xiticix warrior from Rifts.
A mind melter from Rifts Psyscape.
A Coalition mauler power armor from Rifts. I use this image for the super villain Xaan the Eternal.
A Druid from Rifts. I use the image for super villain Menagerie.
A Coalition Trooper from Rifts. I use the image for NPC hero Maggus.
Good old Juggernaut from Marvel.
A Modified Glitter boy from Rifts. I use the image for Player character Tempest.