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Am I an active Christian,
   The kind that would be missed?
Or am I just content 
   To have my name upon  a list?
Do I study with my family? 
   Prepare for meetings too?
Or simply let the time slip by 
   "I have so much to do."

When I attend the meetings,
   Do I mingle with the fold?
Or sit alone, and then complain 
   "The friends are really cold."
Do I always take a part, 
   And get my hand up quick?
Or leave it up to just a few,
   Then complain about a clique?

When it is time to clean the hall,
   Do I jump in, begin it?
Or sluff it off, don't really try,
   Because my heart's not in it?
Do I contribute to the work?
   Or close my purse and hoard it?
"The cost of living is so high,
   I really can't afford it."
And do I take an active role
   In all that comes my way?
Or claim that "I'm too busy"
   Or "I don't know what to say;"
If every witness were like me,
   Would Jesus' heart be gladder?
If EVERY witness were like me,
   Would anyone be sadder?

Let's think this over carefully,
   Each and everyone!
If EVERY witness were like me,
   Would the work get done?