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Beware Modernism!

What are you doing upon life's journey?
   How do you walk along the way?
Do You reflect the Christ of Glory
   In what you do, in what you say?

You are a lighthouse in the darkness,
   You are a finger-post to show
Which is the Narrow Path to Heaven,
   And light the pathway as you go.

What kind of rays shine from your beacon?
   Do they show clear the danger zone?
Or is the glass so fogged and clouded
   That men are lured to rocks unknown?

What is the wording on thy sign-post?
   Does it declare that Christ is God?
With letters clear that Judgment is real,
   Then point the Path where He has trod?

We sail today in dangerous waters,
   Rocks of false doctrine strewn around;
We ne'er could steer through shifting sandbanks
   Were not our Compass true and sound.

Child of God heed thy lighthouse lantern,
   Clean the glass round the warning beam,
Lest bended ray give a pirate signal
   And strew with wreckage the treacherous stream.

Test thy lamp with the "It is written,"
   That no false beams from it depart.
Thy Compass search to find direction,
   Then steer thy course by "the Written Chart."

        May, 1963 "The Gospel Standard"