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The Bible (3)

Will the old Book stand, when the "highest critics" state
   That grave errors are discovered on its page?
Will it save the sinful soul? Will it make the wounded whole?
   Will its glorious Truth abide from age to age?    

Will its message still abide, when the scientists decide
   That its record of creation is untrue?
Tell us the ascent of man is by evolution's plan;
   Will its principles the sinful heart renew?

When infiels parade the mistakes which Moses made.
   When the truth of Revelation they deny.
Will the Ten Commandments still the demands of justice fill?
   Will its Word support us when we come to die?

Yes, the Word of God shall stand, tho assailed on every hand.
   Its foundations are eternally secure;
It will bear the critic's test, and the idle scoffer's jest,
   Its saving truth forever shall endure.

       -  February, 1988 "The Gospel Standard"