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A Call For Men

Bring me men to match my mountains,
   Bring me men to match my plains;
Men with empires in their purpose,
   And new eras in their brains.

Bring me men to match my prairies,
   Men to match your inland seas;
Men whose thoughts shall prove a highway
   Up to ample destinies;

Pioneers to clear thought's marshlands
   And to cleanse old error's fen;
Bring me men to match my mountains --
   Bring me men.

Bring me men to match my forests,
   Strong to fight the storm and blast,
Branching toward the skyey future
   Rooted in the fertile past;

Bring me men to match my valleys,
   Tolerant of sun and snow,
Men out of whose fruitful purpose
   Time's consumate blooms shall grow;

Men to tame the tigerish instincts
   Of the lair, and cave, and den,
Cleanse the dragon, slime of nature --
   Bring me men.

Bring me men to match my rivers, 
   Continent cleavers, flowing free;
Drawn by the eternal gladness
   To be mingled with the sea;

Men of oceanic impulse,
   Men whose moral currents sweep
Toward the wide-infolding ocean;
   Of the undiscovered deep;

Men who feel the strong pulsation
   Of the central sea, and then
Time their current to its earth throb --
   Bring me men.

       -  Sam Walter Foss