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Christian - Stand Fast!

A conflict is raging, and darkness increases;
Be faithful, be watchful, "stand fast in the Lord,"
Swerve not from the old paths, remember that always
God's Truth is your guidance - cling close to His Word!

'Tis your Chart and your Compass, your Light 'mid the darkness;
It tells you that sorrow and sin shall not last,
It shows you you're nearing the morning glory;
Take heed, be courageous, look upward, stand fast!

It may be that some who have led in this battle,
Who've fought a good fight and endured the blast,
Have fallen while fighting.  Step nearer together,
Oh, close up the ranks and then ever - stand fast!

"Stand fast in the Lord!"  Not your strength nor your courage
Can keep you when dangers are threatening sore;
'Tis HIS strength and power will keep 'mid the conflict -
Put youself in His hand and be safe evermore.

Then trials of fatih and temptations most subtle
Can never affect you, your armor will last;
Your Sword and your shield and your helmet wear ever,
By HIS might you will conquer; so, Christian, stand fast!

Stand fast till He comes, your Redeemer and Saviour;
It may not be long till your crowns you may cast
At His feet, so be faithful, and He will reward you.
A little while longer, dear Christian, stand fast!

       July, 1996 "The Gospel Standard