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Depth Of Our Riches In Christ

O, the depth of our riches in Christ!
   Not its height nor its depth can we tell;
For as deep as the deepest of seas
   Is this love lifting man up from Hell.

O, the depth of our riches in Christ!
   All the wisdom and knowledge of God.
Even high as the great mountain peaks
   In majestic pow'r by His blood.

O, the depth of our riches in Christ!
   Are His judgments unsearchable yet true;
For as far as the East from the West
   Is your own confessed sin flung from you.

O, the depth of our riches in Christ!
   All His ways that are past finding out -
All my life planned in wisdom and love,
   There's no need for my worry or doubt.

O, the depth of our riches in Christ
   In His wisdom and knowledge secure,
All his judgments unsearchable, true,
   Past our finding His ways strong and true.