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In This Apostate Day

In this apostate day,
When 'churchmen' curse the Way
Their lips once blessed;
When they God's Word dissect,
When they God's Son reject,
And from God's will defect,
   And wreak unrest -

In this aspostate day
When 'churchmen' speed the sway
Of Antichrist,
When they, with double-talk,
Plead for a godless walk -
Nerved by God's grace, we balk,
   Quite unenticed!

In this aspostate day
When 'churchmen' betray
Each trusting 'sheep';
When Jesus' blood they hate,
And doctrine true 'restate' -
From them we separate,
   The Faith to keep!

In this aspostate day
When pagan 'churchmen' play
With truth divine;
Peering through sham's disguise,
Shun we all compromise
With those who deal in lies
   In 'Satan's shrine.'

In this aspostate day
When 'churchmen' shrewd portray
Darkness as light,
When social righteousness
And 'world church' fans suppress
The Gospel's personal stress,
   For Christ we fight!

In this aspostate day
When 'churchmen' stalk their prey,
Hope stills our fears
Though tribulations loom,
God spares his Church the gloom
That shrouds th' apostles' doom,
   Our Rapture nears!

       Pastor Thomas L. Baird
       September, 1986 "The Gospel Standard


Too Big For God To Use?

       July, 1963 "The Gospel Standard"

