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It Was Not the Nails

It was not the nails that kept him on the cross.
   Jesus did not want you or I to be forever lost.
He came that we might live.
   He came to show us how to give.

He told many stories as examples you see!
   The Ten Virgins, The Lost Coin, and His love for thee!
How many heard our Savior speak?
   How many ears were just too weak?

Please tell me he did not die in vain.
   Oh how he suffered, I can't fathom His pain.
He told us to seek and we would find.
   He said we have to make up our minds.

Are you following Our Lord's Words today?
   Or have you stumbled and lost your way?
It is not too late to kneel and pray.
   Just ask, he'll help you find your way.

"Come Unto Me", he said for rest.
   His Love He gave freely there's no test!
Please remember, he truly does care.
   Please take your burdens to him in prayer