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Jesus Is Knocking


What did Jesus think when He met a man
   Who nobody cared to understand
"A man born of sinners" they would say
   "For his parent's sin, he must pay

Since this is what God thinks of him
   We should leave him in his wretched sin"
But Jesus looked into his heart
   To see a man whose feelings were hurt

A man who dreams of a life
   Without this struggle, the constant strife
For he has needs, hopes and passion
   Jesus' heart was filled with compassion

For Jesus saw him as fearfully and wonderfully made
   And knew his bounty would soon be paid
For this is who He came to see
   The soul who longs to be set free

Someone open to hearing the good news
   A man who truly has nothing to lose
Jesus went out of his way
   To meet this man today

With true love on His face
   This man saw loving grace
A man who never knew love
   Found a gift from Heaven Above

And as Jesus held him in his arms
   He prayed, "Father protect him from harm"
If this man sounds like you
   He's calling you now to meet Him too

He'll go out of his way to see you today
   Just kneel down and earnestly pray
"Jesus, please show me how,
   I can know You're with me right now

I'll give you my heart, my body and mind
   Make me like You, so loving and kind
Forgive me now for a sinner am I
   In Your righteousness will I rely"

And as His Spirit fills your heart
   Your life will have a brand new start
Jesus is standing at the door, hear Him knock?
   Just open it up, turn your key and unlock

For He will sup with you and you with He
   And forever in His arms you shall be

   Written by: James Corwin