What is a kleptomaniac?
He is a sneak so rare,
That he can steal your thoughts and things,
Before you are aware.
There was a kleptomaniac,
My friend held in esteem,
He granted priv'leges to him
Till they became a team.
His office has a space for him.
He ruled the house at will.
Friends could not come to visit there
For he was never still.
My friend, he used to read God's Word
He did travail and pray.
Now souls can go along to Hell
While T.V. has full sway.
One day my friend, he came to me,
His nerves were all on edge.
He said, "I do not rule my house
T.V. controls instead.
The children scream and yell and fight,
While he roars on and on,
The quiet, peace, serenity
Of former days is gone."
No T.V. mars my passing hours.
I still have time to pray.
I wonder when the Lord returns,
If thoghtlessly, some say;
Their eyes glued to the passing show,
"Oh! Please just let me stay,
I cannot leave my program now,
I'll come another day."
Helen Mae Richards
May, 1963 "The Gospel Standard"