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Let Go of the Bait

Oh Lord, please forgive my sins
   Fill me, Lord, with your Spirit again
Why, oh Lord, can't I find peace?
   For my life I so want a new lease

But I can't find the peaceful rest
   Found by those huddled within your nest
I look for shelter each and every day
   But the rain keeps my sky a dismal gray

I need that peace of mind
   That so many come to find
When they give their hearts to you
   Help me, Lord, turn this gray sky blue

Then a vision filled my head
   Not of a man but a chimp instead
Reaching through a hole in a tree
   Then struggling to pull his hand free

He frantically struggles to bring out some bait
   But his fist is too big thus sealing his fate
If he'd just let go he'd get his hand out
   But he'll never let go thus loosing this bout

Then I saw the worst thing I'd ever done
   I blame myself for the horrid outcome
It hurt someone I can never repay
   For they died that terrible day

God showed me this was the bait
   I must let go or suffer the same fate
Then I saw angels all on one knee
   Watching Christ die on Calvary

They looked my way with tears in their eyes
   "To forgive this sin Jesus has died
But you won't let Him take it away
   Adding to the pain He's feeling today."
     Written by James Corwin