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The Lord in Control

O Lord, you are in control.
   The happenings of life You do hold.
No matter how great or how small,
   Lord, You do control it all.

The winds that blow,
   The drifting snow,
The birds that fly, clouds floating by,
   The rivers that flow, the trees that grow,

Children at play, flowers that sway,
   Of summer's heat and winter's cold,
Of all the world's changes, You're in control.
   Earthquakes that come, storms that rage,

Questions of life in which men engage,
   You know the answers, all are foretold
By prophets in the Bible, the stories are old.
   O Lord, open the blinded eyes of men to see

How Your work is done on land and sea.
Help us, Lord, to meet Your goal
And to let us know You are still in control.