The open door of another year I've entered by grace divine; No ills I fear and no foes I dread, For a wonderful Guide is mine. Through joy or chastening though He lead, In tears though my race be run, Whate'er my lot, this my prayer shall be, Not mine, but Thy will be done. I walk by faith in my heav'nly Guide, With fearless, unfaltering tread, Assured that He, Who appoints my days, Will daily provide my bread. He'll send more grace should afflictions come, And a staff for the pathway steep, While o'er me ever by night and day My Father His watch will keep. With perfect trust in His love and care, I'll walk to my journey's end; And day by day He will strength renew, And peace to my heart will send. O blessed Guide, walking all unseen, Yet close to my side alway, Do Thou, Who guidest my steps aright, Lead on the eternal day! - Jan ‘98 Gospel Standard |