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New Testament Poem

   Tell what Christ did in every place; 
The ACTS tell what the Apostles did, 
   And ROMANS how we're saved by grace. 

CORINTHIANS instruct the church; 
   GALATIANS show us Christ alone; 
EPHESIANS, true love, and in 
   PHILIPPIANS God's grace is shown. 

COLOSSIANS tells us more of Christ, 
   And THESSALONIANS of the end; 
In TIMOTHY and TITUS both 
   Are rules for preachers to attand. 

PHILEMON, Christian friendship shows, 
   Then HEBREWS clearly tells how all 
The Jewish law prefigured Christ;  
   And these Epistles are by Paul. 

JAMES shows that faith by works must live, 
   And PETER urges steadfastness; 
While JOHN exhorts to Christian love, 
   For those who have it God will bless. 

JUDE shows the end of evil men, 
   And REVELATION tells of Heaven; 
This is the end of the New Testament 
   And all the books are twenty-seven. 

      (author unknown)