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Not What I Would

When tempted sore to turn aside
   As at some by-path I have stood
This thought has helped me to decide:
   Not what I would, but what I should.

In daily life comes many a test
   To those who purpose to be good;
To such this motto I suggest:
   Not what I would, but what I should.

Life's little span by God is planned,
   I would not change it if I could;
My course is guided by His hand;
   Not what I would, but what I should.

"Not my will, Father, Thine be done,"
   Said One Who was supremely good;
Here's strength for those who evil shun;
   Not what I would, but what I should.

If in my heart aught lurketh still,
   To keep me from Thy highest good,
Cleanse every thought, control my will,
   'Till what I should is what I would.
        R.I. Werry