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The Power of the Cross

I see Him walking with the wood on his back
   With the sound of thunder I hear the whip crack
He struggles to walk but the wood is too heavy
   Continuing on, the crowd mocks as He falls to a knee

Finally, His frail body gets him to the site
   It took all His will, strength and mite
The soldier pushed Him down and with a yell
   Called for the hammer and the first nail

He shrieks in agony as the first enters his hand
   The hammer falls again, the pain He can't stand
Now with feet together another pierces through
   The crowd hails, "Let's see if God will save You!!!"

Now they raise the cross to the sky
   Naked and bleeding they raise Him high
The crimson flow of blood on His face
   Begins at His head where a crown of thorns were placed

You can hear Him struggling to hold on
   His breathing slows, strength almost gone
He asks God to forgive these horrible men
   But I wish God would destroy them

With His dying breath, "It is finished" He says
   Now upon a cross His dead body sways
In disgust I think, "how could they do that to Him"
   My anger is kindled as I see these mocking men

I HATE them, they're just a worthless band
   Then I realize, the hammer's in MY HAND!!!
Oh Lord, forgive me I did not realize
   How horrible and costly the price

I see now what I didn't see before
   That sin is a horrible monster
Lord take this hammer from me
   Forgive me for doing this to Thee

Change me Lord let me be like you
   Fill me with Your Spirit to get me through
For if sin did this to the One I adore
   Help me Lord to sin no more

       James Corwin