Blessed is the man that feareth
And delighteth in the Lord!
Wealth, the wealth which truly cheereth,
God shall give him for reward;
And his children shall be blest around His board
He shall not be moved for ever,
Though with evil tidings tried;
Nought from God his faith shall sever,
Fixed his heart shall still abide;
For believers are secured on every side.
To the upright light arises,
Darkness soon gives place to day;
While the man who truth despises,
And refuses to obey,
In a moment, cursed of God, shall melt away.
Therefore let us praise Jehovah,
Sound His glorious name on high,
Sing His praises, and moreover
By our actions magnify our Redeemer,
Who by blood has brought us nigh.
- C. H. Spurgeon