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Raging Tempest

A mass of air forms into a layer of white
   Slowly the sun fades, the day is like night
The clouds just keep rolling in
   Another storm is about to begin

Why now, why here, why me Lord?
   Please take it away and make it no more!
But my prayer seems to go on deaf ears
   The storm has begun, confirming my fears

Pounding and pounding, I hold on tight
   My strength is wearing thin, I'm out of fight.
Oh lord what must I Do 
   I can't make it, I'll give it to you.

I let go and the wind carries me away
   Like a giant hand controlling my fate
A calm fills me, I'm no longer afraid
   A peace enters me, my worries fade

For I realize no matter what happens now
   My future's secure, I'm in His will now.
As the storm continues to pound
   My feet finally touch the ground

I realize now this was meant to be
   For over time I had quit trusting thee
For I quit needing to know you
   I felt my strength could carry me through

But every time I get behind the wheel
   I see the devil coming in for the kill
I veer to the left, I veer to the right
   But he still has me in his sight.

I know my life is about to end
   Until I remember my one true friend
I put You right back where You belong 
   You drive around and then beyond

The devil is helpless he cannot win
   For You knew from the beginning, the end. 
Thank you Jesus for troubles I must endure
   That sends me back to the faith I had before

You remind me that You're the only way
   No matter how bright or dim, I find my day.

       James Corwin