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The Scriptures

The open Bible, 'tis a priceless treasure,
   A mine where gems of truth flash forth their light,
A book that speaks of mercy without measure,
   A lamp to make the pilgrim's pathway bright.

A voice of peace above the toil and strife,
   A guide to men whose ways are rough and dreary,
A heavenly manna to sustain their life,
  An inn for the traveler who is weary.

A chart and compass for the storm-tossed seaman,
   A healing balm to comfort and bless,
A star to guide the vessel to its haven,
   Oasis in the barren wilderness. 

A well of water for the thirsty stranger,
   A refuge from the burden of the day,
A lighthouse sent to warn of many a danger,
   A fingerpost to point the narrow way.

A palace where the King dwells in His beauty,
   An armoury where soldiers repair,
A school where servants learn their daily duty,
   A garden where are flowers rich and rare.

       -  Feb '97 Gospel Standard