Somebody prayed, and refreshing rain
Fell on the parching grass and grain;
Cooling, reviving, the drought was stayed
And food was growing; for somebody prayed.
Somebody prayed, and a hospital grew,
With cool windows and a lovely view,
With clean white cots for vevered heads,
And whitecapped nurses with gentle tread.
Somebody prayed, and peaceful rest
Sweetly came to the troubled breast,
Bringing new hope where anguish before
Crushed and darkened the pathway o'er.
Somebody prayed, and across the sea
The old, old story of Calvary,
With its new, sweet meaning of love untold,
To the waiting millions' heart was told.
Somebody prayed! O gift divine!
Linked with service for yours and mine,
Communing each day with a living Lord,
Working and waiting to pove His Word.
- Aug '96 "The Gospel Standard"